The way security services are delivered by organisations should change to support their transition from virtualised data centres to private cloud computing infrastructures, according to Gartner.
Gartner also forecasted that by 2015 that 40% of the security controls used within enterprise data centres will be virtualised, up from less than 5% in 2010.
To support secure private cloud computing, security must be an integral, but separately configurable part of the private cloud fabric.
The security feature should be designed as a set of on-demand, elastic and programmable services, configured by policies tied to logical attributes to create adaptive trust zones capable of separating multiple tenants.
Gartner vice president and fellow Neil MacDonald said the six necessary attributes of private cloud security infrastructure: a set of on-demand and elastic services; programmable infrastructure; and policies that are based on logical, not physical.
"Attributes and are capable of incorporating runtime context into real-time security decisions; adaptive trust zones that are capable of high-assurance separation of differing trust levels; separately configurable security policy management and control; and’federatable’ security policy and identity," MacDonald said.