Organisations in the UK are embracing mobile based business models with 53% of Britons claiming that increased security is the critical driver for them to adapt mobile model.

VMware conducted research that gives a closer look at the steps that have been made towards improving mobile efficiency at work.

According to the research, 38% of respondents in the UK and EMEA claimed that improved mobile workforce effectiveness was a trigger for them to adapt the mobile model, followed by 35% of the respondents in the UK who cited improved end user experience as a drive.

The research also sheds light on the obstacles that stand in the way of businesses trying to embrace mobility models, with 61% of respondents citing security as a top barrier towards investing in business mobility.

Security is closely followed by budget, which became a matter of concern for 47% of the respondents in the UK and 49% in EMEA region.

53% in the UK who have adopted business mobility claimed that it has helped their organisation’s mobile workforce productivity, while 41% claim that it has helped streamline their business processes and 34% said that it has reducing cost of support.

VMware EMEA End User Computing vice president Alex White said: "Every organisation has mobile users today – but there are many others who would be more productive if their work could move with them.

"Likewise, businesses could be more competitive if their applications were mobile and secure and more so if linked directly to revenue generating activities. Investments in business mobility can and will drive a significant return, but should be targeted to maximise impact and result."

IT and operational staff saved around 30% of their time when business mobility software has been deployed.