IT security applications provider Secunia has released its new version of Vulnerability Intelligence Manager 4.0, that claimed to help organisations handle vulnerabilities and protect business critical information and assets against potential attacks.

Claimed to cover 40,000 software systems and applications, Secunia VIM 4.0 can provide intelligence about software vulnerabilities to organisations, ensuring protection to IT infrastructure from cbercriminals.

The new application includes said to provide reliable and accurate Vulnerability Intelligence, personalised alerts via email and SMS, XML feeds, a new Vulnerability Management tool and threat intelligence covering more than 40,000 systems and applications.

In addition, the VIM 4.0 comes with an improved user interface, improved assets matching, improved data export, activity log and also offers integration with the Secunia CSI.

Secunia Product Management and Quality Assurance director Morten R. Stengaard said it provides oganisations with the relevant intelligence so that they can target their efforts and deal with the vulnerabilities that are critical to their business, instead of the teams spending their time frantically trying to figure out which issues to address in what order.

"That’s the assurance and focus the VIM provides: because of the accuracy of the intelligence, the real-time delivery and the reports, filters and settings, security departments are able to distribute the intelligence to the appropriate stakeholders within the organisation and to set up effective security processes," Stengaard said.

"The Secunia VIM delivers a comprehensive solution to automate the process of compliance with guidelines such as these: With the vulnerability intelligence manager, organisations can easily formalize and automate the tasks that are typically weak links in compliance: assessment, remediation, approval workflow, exception management, and consolidated reporting."

"The Secunia VIM helps organisations tackle those difficult problems, while also easing the task of defining and managing policies, mapping policies to controls, and collecting/archiving evidence of compliance."