Samsung Electronics (Samsung), has launched AMOLED 12M (SCH-W880), a 12-megapixel camera phone with three-times optical zoom lens. This follows the launch of the 12-megapixel Pixon 12 in June. The new camera phone features WVGA (800 x 480) full touch screen.
The company said that AMOLED 12M’s 3x optical zoom allows users to bring in the action from far away, producing close-up shots without distortion. The device also features a 2x digital zoom, giving users the full capabilities of a 6x zoom.
Samsung claimed that the new phone’s rapid image saving allows users to move to the next shot within two seconds, while the phone also provides video recording (1280 x 720) at 30 frames per second.
Touch Auto-Focus (AF) feature permits users to select a focus point with the touch of a finger, after which the lens will automatically track the object, keeping it in focus even as it moves across the screen, the company said.
Samsung added that the Smart Auto feature lets users capture perfectly balanced images as the camera automatically changes its shooting mode based on the object, background, and lighting. Other features include a Xenon flash, shake reduction, face recognition, and 4GB of built-in memory.
Earlier, Samsung launched 5-megapixel camera phone (SCH-V7800) in June 2005, 7-megapixel device with an optical zoom (SCH-V770) in July 2005, 10-megapixel model (SCH-B600) in October 2006. The phone will be available in the Korean market from early October.