Samsung is reportedly considering to unveil its new Galaxy Glass wearable device taking an aim at Google Glass, by September 2014 at the IFA trade show in Germany.

According to undisclosed Samsung officials, the South Korean firm hopes to capture a high market share with the new product and added that devices such as its own Galaxy Gear smartwatch cannot generate instant profits.

The Korea Times cited the unnamed Samsung official as saying that the reason is simple.

"The market potential for smart glass is huge," the official said.

"It will be used in trucks, cars and has a greater impact on related industries such as glass- and coatings-makers."

Last year, the South Korean firm filed a patent with the Korea Intellectual Property Office for ‘sports glasses’, which could be connected to a smartphone for handling calls, while an USB connector pulls out from the ends of the ear pieces on the glasses.

"It will be interesting to see which companies get better stakes in the race for smart glasses," the official added.

"Players definitely want to enjoy a ‘first-mover’ advantage in this new and highly lucrative market."

In addition to smartglass, Samsung has already launched Galaxy Gear smartwatch in late 2012.

Google is also testing its own wearable Glass device, which is scheduled to hit the market by 2014.