Samsung is likely to appeal for zero damages a jury ordered the firm to pay Apple $119 million for copying features of the iPhone.

The South Korean company’s lawyer John Quinn reportedly told the media that the company expects the damages to be reduced to zero.

The jury at San Jose district court in California found Samsung guilty of infringing three of Apple’s patents on 2 May, awarding the latter $119.6m in damages. The jury met again on Monday, however, to fix an error in its verdict form, but in doing so it declined to award Apple any additional damages.

Apple had sought over $2bn from Samsung for infringing five of its patents. The trial ran for a month before the four-man and four-woman jury announced their verdict on Friday.

Meanwhile, the jury found that Apple had infringed one of Samsung’s patents, which was awarded $158,400. Samsung had been contesting that Apple violated two patents of its smartphone features and sought $7m.

This is the second time that Samsung was told to pay damages to Apple. A separate jury in the same court directed Samsung to pay $930m to Apple two years ago. Samsung is appealing the verdict and the case is still on.