Under Multi-Mission L and S Band Receiver (ML & SBR) effort, RT Logic will deliver 36 Telemetrix 400XR (T400XR) RF modulator/receiver systems to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as they replace older, unsupportable receivers in their command and data acquisition stations at Wallops Island, Virginia, and at Fairbanks, Alaska.

The T400XR receivers will support downlink signal processing from the POES (Polar Operational Environmental Satellite), DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellites Program), Jason-2, and METOP satellites.

Bill Asiano, ML & SBR program manager at RT Logic, said: Our Telemetrix receiver architecture’s inherent flexibility allows us to replace the existing NOAA receivers with a direct drop-in replacement that also requires no software modifications to the legacy Epoch command and control subsystem. This approach provides NOAA with a low risk replacement solution while minimizing impacts to their existing CDA operations.