RSA, The Security Division of EMC, has signed a technology agreement with Check Point Software Technologies, to provide consumers with enhanced protection against trojan, phishing and other online attacks.

Under the agreement, RSA will supply online threat intelligence feeds from its RSA FraudAction Anti-Trojan and Anti-Phishing services to Check Point’s offerings. This new capacity is integrated into the existing anti-phishing functionality available in all ZoneAlarm premium consumer products including ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite and ZoneAlarm Extreme Security to provide consumers with proactive protection against online attacks.

RSA said that its FraudAction offering is designed to detect, track, block, and shut down phishing, pharming and Trojan attacks perpetrated by online fraudsters.

The company’s online fraud analysts operate from the RSA Anti-Fraud Command Centre to shut down hosted online attacks, deploy countermeasures and conduct forensic work to reduce the average lifetime of an online attack.

Bari Abdul, vice president of consumer sales at Check Point Software Technologies, said: Leveraging external threat information from RSA enables Check Point to strengthen its detection and analysis capabilities and offer superior protection to our customers. The implementation of anti-Trojan filtering and identity theft protection helps address some of the key customer needs and pain points.