The Royal Albert Hall is using a cloud-based service from Mimecast to improve its email security and archiving.

The Albert Hall is inundated with almost 4,000 emails every day from customers, students, promoters of famous artists and many others. Its previous anti-spam and anti-virus software proved difficult to use and the IT team had to invest time in sorting out problems such as reviewing quarantined emails or setting security codes. It started looking for a solution that would simplify the whole process.

“As an SME we’re constantly trying to stop our infrastructure getting more complicated than it needs to be, so we were keen in looking at the cloud,” said Crispin Gray, head of information systems at The Royal Albert Hall.

Although the initial focus was to find software that could both efficiently deal with any security threats and enable the organisation to streamline its email management, Mimecast quickly showed it had another key advantage. Using Mimecast, staff can search through up to 10 years of emails to retrieve the message they need. Deleted emails can be recovered in under a minute, while it used to take the IT team several hours using the previous software.

“It’s taken out a whole slice of work recovering lost emails that was part of the job taking up time every week. That piece of work doesn’t exist any more,” said Gray.

IT staff are now freed up to concentrate on other tasks and the system prevents 53,000 spam emails reaching its Exchange server each day.