Revware, a developer of CAD-Driven Reverse Engineering software, has acquired the MicroScribe business from Immersion.

The acquisition is part of Revware’s aim to develop a catalogue of products that provides designers and manufactures with the tools they need to develop new products from existing physical models.

Revware said that, combined with Revware’s RevWorks and other available software packages, the MicroScribe digitiser is expected to be used for an array of measurement tasks that result in the creation of computer models, collection of validation data, determination of precise angles and other physical measurements.

Tom Welsh, president of Revware, said: “We are thrilled to be acquiring this incredible productivity tool and look forward to furthering its evolution. The MicroScribe has captivated our imagination from its inception and we are pleased to have this opportunity to mold its future as a productivity tool.”

The MicroScribe family of products is used to capture three-dimensional location measurements from parts and volumes as well as useful directional information.