Researchers of Concordia University in Canada are working on spam filter which claimed to will get rid of unwanted emails from inboxes.

With spammers adopting high-tech technique to fool automatic filters, the researchers have proposed a new statistical framework for spam filtering which claimed to quickly and efficiently blocks unwanted messages.

Traditionally, the spammers use text-based emails but they have now turned high-tech, using layers of images to fool automatic filters.

Concordia University researchers Ola Amayri said that most of the previous research has focused on the textual content of spam emails, ignoring visual content found in multimedia content, such as images.

"By considering patterns from text and images simultaneously, we’ve been able to propose a new method for filtering out spam," Amayri said.

"Our new method for spam filtering is able to adapt to the dynamic nature of spam emails and accurately handle spammers’ tricks by carefully identifying informative patterns, which are automatically extracted from both text and images content of spam emails."

The new filter is being developed by after the researcher along with the thesis supervisor Nizar Bouguila conducted a study of several spam filters.

The spam-detecting approach is still in the development stage and the scientists are currently working on a plug-in for widely used open source spam filter, SpamAssassin.

"Spammers keep adapting their methods so that they can trick the spam filters. Researchers in this field need to work together to keep adapting our methods too, so that we can keep spam out and focus on those messages that are really important," Amayri added.