Red Hat, a provider of open source offerings, has unveiled new developments to its cloud foundations portfolio, an offering that allow customers to use multiple clouds, to promote consistency between enterprise applications and the cloud.

Red Hat said that the suit is designed to run consistently across physical servers, virtual platforms, private clouds and public clouds.

The new offering features portable computing which provides tools to customers that allow them to implement and manage a cloud, providing scalability, robust resource management and portals through an included cloud engine, self-service portal, tools and Deltacloud APIs.

The portable application builder provides cloud application lifecycle management, allowing customers build assemblies to manage the complexities of creating, versioning, configuring, tracking and updating applications for the cloud.

In addition, application builder allows customers to manage applications consistently across physical, virtual and cloud deployments.

Red Hat said that the portable services provide customers with the technologies needed to implement commonly used application features, a key need for deploying private clouds.

The portable programming models through it’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering is designed to protect a company’s application investment, by allowing developers to build once and deploy everywhere: on traditional servers, on virtualised servers, on private clouds and in public clouds.

Red Hat cloud business vice president and general manager Scott Crenshaw said that they are focusing on all four of these areas for portability in the cloud because they form an essential whole.

"If you can migrate your computational power anywhere you want but your data is tied to a particular cloud, you are still stuck there. At Red Hat, we aim to offer customers the tools they need for the cloud combined with real portability and choice," Crenshaw said.