The recent data breaches at Epsilon, Sony and Citigroup could have been prevented with the right combination of data security offerings like tokenisation and consistent security policies, according to a latest report by data security company Protegrity.
The report, entitled "It’s Not Just About Credit Card Numbers Anymore," highlights the growing trend of hackers targeting personally identifiable information (PII) such as email addresses and passwords, as opposed to financial information, and offers advice on how these data breaches could have been prevented.
Protegrity said the data breaches are spiraling out of control, and corporates have understood that it can be expensive if customer data is not protected properly.
The report has analysed the three data breaches and notes that the companies could have saved those tens of millions of dollars in damages and litigation had the breaches could have been prevented.
The report also examines the best data security approaches for protecting financial information and PII and how companies can implement them to ensure that they will not fall victim to a data breach in the future.