Patent firm RPX has signed a $900m deal to acquire over 4,000 telecommunications patents from Rockstar, an Apple-led consortium formed in 2011.

The latest deal also involves licensing patents to over 30 tech firms including Google and Cisco Systems. Last November, Google and Cisco resolved the patent issues filed against them by Rockstar, reports Reuters.

In addition, Rockstar has agreed to drop its existing patent infringement lawsuits against Samsung, LG and HTC.

RPX chief executive and co-founder John Amster said: "We are pleased to act as a clearinghouse and underwrite an agreement between the owners of Rockstar and our syndicate of licensees."

"Leading technology companies from multiple industries came together to shape this transaction."

"We commend everyone involved for their leadership and commitment to clearing the risk of the Rockstar portfolio by negotiating a reasonable purchase price in one efficient transaction."

In addition to Apple, Rockstar also includes Microsoft, Sony, Blackberry and Ericsson.

Microsoft vice president and deputy general counsel Erich Andersen said: "Today’s announcement is good news for our industry as it demonstrates our patent system working to promote innovation."

"We joined Rockstar to ensure that both Microsoft and our industry would have broad access to the Nortel patent portfolio, and we’re pleased to have accomplished that goal through this sale and our valuable license to the patents being sold."