Rackspace Hosting has launched NoMoreServers.com, a new site for the emergence of Computing-as-a-Service models (such as hosting, cloud computing and SaaS) to power corporate computing.

In a move to support this campaign, the company has hired hosting industry strategist and founder of Tier1 Research Andrew Schroepfer. In his role, Mr Schroepfer will cover the trend in depth from how providers are evolving to how real businesses are making this trend pay off.

Lanham Napier, president and CEO of Rackspace, said: “A new way to run business computing is emerging. We have countless business customers tell us they are finished buying servers and are looking for a computing partner. People don’t want to buy standalone computing, they want computing as a service with Fanatical Support. This trend will have major implications on the entire IT industry, and there is no one more qualified to cover it day-to-day than Andy.”

According to Rackspace, NoMoreServers.com will feature daily and unique commentary explaining the next era in computing. In addition to filtering and reviewing interesting developments and third-party content about the NoMoreServers computing era, the site will feature daily commentary and a live community portal for visitors to engage on the topic and offers a white paper on the subject for community members.

Lew Moorman, chief strategy officer of Rackspace and president of The Rackspace Cloud, said in statement, that the economics of cloud computing are making the move to Computer-as-a-Service provider unavoidable. He said that this is part of the 20-year trend and there is a lot to digest. Andy and NoMoreServers.com are devoted to guiding IT shops through this change.

Mr Schroepfer, said: “Having covered the hosting industry since its inception, and having strongly recommended Rackspace since 2001, I am excited to now become a Racker. I have always said Rackspace will be more than just a leader in hosting, and I am honored to join the 2,700-strong fanatical support team tasked with sustaining and evolving our leadership role as the IT value chain is recast.”