Qualys, a provider of IT security risk and compliance management offerings, has launched a new reporting feature in QualysGuard Vulnerability Management to help customers identify and implement patches to eliminate vulnerabilities in their IT environments.

According to Qualys, the new Patch Report feature provides users with patching information for non-security staff such as system administrators and patch management system operators and includes prioritised lists of patches that need to be applied to a selected set of assets to reduce risk, without applying unneeded redundant patches.

Qualys said that new reporting feature eliminates manual tasks and time spent looking through identified vulnerabilities and figuring out which patches will address each vulnerability; and provides search filters to generate up-to-date patch information based on recent scans and knowledgebase updates.

In addition, the new offering includes a user interface that gives users the flexibility to create patch reports sorted by host, patch, operating system or asset group.

Courtot, chairman and CEO for Qualys, said: "At the request of our customers, we built this new Patch Report so they can provide their counterparts in operations with a meaningful, task-oriented, ‘out-of-the-box’ remediation plan."