PwC and Sage are joining forces, to allow SMEs access to high level technology products and support.

The partnership, which will initially take place in the UK, will bring together both companies’ products – Sage Live, and PwC’s My Financepartner.

Alan Laing, Executive Vice President, Global Strategic Partnerships & Alliances, Sage said:

"This new partnership combines powerful financial technology with the type of business advice that Small & Medium Businesses simply haven’t been able to access in the past."

Tony Price, UK PwC Partner, leader of My Financepartner service, said:

"Providing S&MBs with useful and meaningful data on which to base their decision making lies at the heart of the Sage Live and My Financepartner offering.

"We are excited to be working closely with Sage and look forward to providing more S&MBs with the insight that they need to drive growth."