Network security firm ProtectWise has raised over $17m in funding from Crosslink Capital, Trinity Ventures, Paladin Capital Group and Arsenal Venture Partners.

The company will use the financing to scale business operations and drive product development and innovation.

Trinity Ventures general partner Larry Orr said: "The network security industry is in need of fundamental re-invention.

"ProtectWise’s world class team and novel approach to network security uniquely position it to lead the charge into the future of infrastructure security and we’re excited to be part of it."

The company’s management team, led by Scott Chasin, former CTO, McAfee, Cloud & Content.

Chasin said, "Enterprises today are grappling with Defense in Doubt."

"The traditional defense in depth approach has left security professionals with a costly daisy chain of endpoint solutions that provide only a point-in-time view of threats and emit a tidal wave of security alarms with no context or correlation across solutions.

"By shifting network security to the cloud, we make it possible to leave this outdated, ineffective model of enterprise network security behind."

ProtectWise has also launched its new cloud-based platform, which allows security at scale with unlimited, full-fidelity network forensic window.

The ProtectWise Cloud Network DVR, a virtual camera in the cloud, also enables automatic retrospection of historical network traffic to identify earlier unknown threats, powerful visualisation and forensic tools, and an economical SaaS-delivery model.

Early adopters of the ProtectWise Cloud Network DVR include over 12 companies in media & entertainment, technology and other sectors.