Productive Edge, a Chicago-based software development company, and Australia-based Pegboard, have entered into a partnership which makes Productive Edge a major licensee for Pegboard.

As per the partnership Productive Edge will use Pegboard’s Content Management System (CMS) to create websites for customers in multiple vertical markets.

Productive Edge has recently re-platformed the website of Phillips Media Relations onto the Pegboard system.

Pegboard CMS delivers website capabilities that include built-in search engine optimisation (SEO), multiple levels of content access, archiving, online communities, e-commerce and more.

Productive Edge co-founder Wyatt Kapastin said that the company has been looking for a more effective way to meet their customers’ website needs, where time to market and cost concerns are driving us toward newer, better technologies.

"Pegboard takes content management to a new level, combining rapid deployment, search engine optimisation, and powerful website functionality, with greatly simplified site administration," Kapastin said.