Hardware firm Pogoplug has launched the new privacy adapter Safeplug, which allows users to surf the web anonymously by re-routing all internet traffic via Tor.

The new $49 adapter rams web use via Tor’s randomised path of interconnected PCs, which are used by journalists, activists, and others use to keep away from being watched or sited in their internet use.

Pogoplug said that when using Safeplug, users will notice drop in the overall Internet speed and page-loading times.

"This is because your Internet traffic is being bounced to computers across the globe to make your Internet browsing impossible to trace,"Pogoplug said.

"The good news is that the more people use Tor the faster the service runs, so by using Safeplug you are helping the Internet community protect itself from tracking and surveillance.

"As Safeplug and Tor gain in popularity, speeds will continue to increase."

The device doesn’t require any additional software to be installed, and is compatible with any modern Internet browser which is under use, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and several others.

Users can also use the adapter on their phone by connecting their device to the same Wi-Fi network that their Safeplug is connected to.