Pervasive Software, a provider of data integration and data management software, has released Pervasive DataCloud 2 that offers an API to allow any cloud developer, including Amazon Web Services, and Azure developers, to deliver data services.

The new offering, which is available on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), helps third-party developers to provide customers on-demand data services access without hardware maintenance and software updates. As customers request a service through Pervasive DataCloud, preconfigured Amazon resources are invoked on-demand, the company said.

According to Pervasive, the DataCloud 2 acts as an on-demand process engine to let Pervasive and partners host services that supports multiple users allowing delivery of diverse data-centric services, including data integration, that can scale on an elastic cloud to handle fluctuating data volumes.

In addition, it allows partners to monitor and report activity by account, application or user, plus automatically deliver updates and pre-set processes; and also allows partners and customers to access, configure and run data cloud based service via a browser.

Bill Jacaruso, senior director for Pervasive DataSolutions, said: “Using Pervasive DataCloud 2, ISVs and IT organisations can integrate on-demand data services with both on-premises applications and other SaaS applications. With our API, we now open up rapid development on Pervasive DataCloud to organisations beyond our in-house team, allowing them to quickly deliver on-demand services to consumers who want the infrastructure and large-volume data capabilities of an elastic cloud.”