Perforce Software has released a new version of its Software Configuration Management (SCM) system. The new version, 2009.1, reportedly features support for previewing web pages and multimedia files, and can customise the cross-platform interface to individual requirements.

The company said that with the new offering, web developers and artists can preview changes to web, video, and audio content from within the company’s cross-platform graphical interface, the Perforce Visual Client. A preview tab in the Perforce Visual Client displays the version of the content selected by the user. Also, administrators can customise the company’s menu options for specific departments or users (for example, artists, developers, testers, and administrators).

Nigel Chanter, chief operating officer of Perforce Software, said: “This advancement rounds out our visualisation capabilities and gets us another step closer to bringing the full power of configuration management to everyone.

“The SCM needs of the engineering department vary greatly from those required by the marketing and legal departments for example. Through system customisation we can optimise usability and offer the appropriate level of features and functions to each discipline or department throughout the enterprise.”

The new offering is said to feature SCM capabilities built around a client/server architecture. The company claims that its SCM System can version and manage source code and digital assets for enterprises. It can handle distributed development and support developers across various platforms. It can also group multi-file updates into atomic changes, enable concurrent development, and manage multiple software releases using its Inter-File Branching system.