Oracle has released E-Business Suite Extensions, the Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1 for Oracle Endeca, to help organisations make better operational decisions and improve process efficiency.

The new extensions are said to offer complete data view, key performance metrics, advanced virtualisations, and instant search results across organisations and flexfields by leveraging Oracle Endeca Information Discovery technology.

According to the company, the suite includes features like advanced search, guided navigation, and visual analysis that allow users to find information that is not found using a conventional ERP query interface..

Oracle Applications Development senior VP, Cliff Godwin, said that the Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca deliver a streamlined path from discovery to action, letting users to filter from displays of information to the transactions that matter the most.

"With easy, real-time access to the most relevant transactions, users can take immediate, informed action, driving revenue and reducing costs," Godwin added.

With the new extension, Oracle Endeca Information Discovery is claimed to offer a seamless layer on the Oracle E-Business Suite allowing the operational data to be loaded into a faceted, in-memory data model that dynamically supports changing information.

Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca includes extensions for Order Management, Channel Revenue Management, iProcurement, Project Management, iRecruitment, Learning Management, Discrete Manufacturing Process Manufacturing, Inventory Management, Enterprise Asset Management, Field Service, Warehouse Management, Cost Management, Installed Base, Depot Repair.