French integration fim Talend, which acquired German enterprise service bus (ESB) player Sopera last month, has outlined its product roadmap for next year.

It said in the first half of 2011 it will make a number of products generally available: data connection and transformation capabilities that enable users to plug data from various sources such as service-oriented architectures into their enterprise service buses (ESB); enhanced data integration that utilises underlying ESB technology to create reliable and secure data services for use in SOA; and integration of Talend’s open source MDM solution with the application integration offerings.

Read a recent CBR interview with the CEO and co-founder of Talend, Bertrand Diard, in which he talks about looking for further acquisitions, here. We also recorded a recent podcast with Talend’s co-founder and COO Fabrice Bonan here.

Meanwhile Talend also announced that it will provide the Sopera Advanced Service Factory (ASF) product under the same brand name to continue to address the SOA needs of large enterprises.

Sopera ASF is claimed to be a, "complete open source SOA suite based on a coherent set of integration modules that address service enablement, business processes, messaging, data transformation and monitoring and management."

"Sopera ASF is the foundation for our service-oriented architecture today," said Dr. Johannes Helbig, CIO of Deutsche Post. "Having successfully employed Sopera ASF for many years now and having played an integral part in Sopera’s open source strategy, I am delighted to have the resources of Talend committed to its future growth and evolution. This commitment gives us the confidence to continue to meet the growing needs of our business through the further reuse and integration of our application and data resources."

Finally, Talend will offer new products based on application integration projects at the Apache Software Foundation that will enable developers to download and deploy specific integration capabilities.

These projects will form the basis of a number of products: Talend Integration Factory Community Edition based on Apache Camel (February); Talend Message Broker Community Edition based on Apache ActiveMQ (May); Talend ESB Standard Edition – an ESB licensed under Apache (March) – and Talend ESB Enterprise Edition, with additional governance and security (June).

"The rapid integration of Talend’s and Sopera’s products and unmatched innovation across all of our product lines will ideally address the critical need for organisations to better manage the deluge of data and complexity of interoperable systems created in an increasingly interconnected world of complex systems and applications," said Fabrice Bonan, co-founder and COO, Talend. "Our primary focus as a company is to deliver cost-effective solutions that put the customer first. By accelerating the convergence of data management and application integration, we are addressing one of the primary challenges in IT today: full utilisation of company’s data to power its critical applications and processes."

"The data integration and application integration disciplines are closely interrelated since they address similar issues, through multiple modes of interaction and delivery," said Ted Friedman, vice president, Gartner. "We continue to note an ongoing convergence of these disciplines. Organisations that take a strategic and holistic view of their information and application infrastructure, involving both types of integration competency, will gain substantial business benefit."

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