Oculus has rolled out its ‘Oculus Platform’ store that enables app developers to distribute their virtual reality apps and media.

To be offered on the Samsung Gear VR from this fall, the upgraded Oculus Share marketplace will enable consumers to browse the Oculus Platform within virtual reality as well as download apps, games, and entertainment experiences.

The company plans to launch its own open source apps including the Oculus Cinema and Oculus 360 Photos and Videos within the platform, which would enable consumers to watch films, and explore images and video clips shot for VR.

Ultimately, the Oculus is also planning to launch versions of the Oculus Platform for the Rift, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

Further, the Platform planned to be developed as a launcher for Oculus headsets, enabling users to rapidly jump around and try different experiences such as jumping into games or content easily.

In addition, Oculus rolled out new virtual reality headset prototype, called ‘Crescent Bay’, featuring higher resolution and in-built audio.

Claimed to be lighter than the latest prototype of the Oculus Rift headset being offered to developers, the new device is not yet ready to go on sale.