Norton has released the Norton Cybercrime Index, a tool that tracks and warns computer users about daily cybercrime risks around the world.

The Norton Cybercrime Index alerts users to daily online trouble-spots and potential hazards, including the day’s most dangerous websites, the most hijacked search terms by cybercriminals, as well as top scams, identity theft and spam.

The free tool also provides news about the day’s most dangerous threat and advice on how to avoid it.

The Norton Cybercrime Index can be viewed online, via a mobile-optimized site, or downloaded onto a PC. Norton 360 version 5.0 also provides quick access to the Norton Cybercrime Index.

Norton lead cyber security advisor Adam Palmer said Norton fights cybercrime in a number of ways, including education.

Palmer said, "Our goal is to have people add the Norton Cybercrime Index to their daily routine to get a clear understanding of the dangers that are threatening them online, and to take preventative action to avoid falling victim."

ID Analytics is contributing with the daily insights of the risk level for cybercrime.

ID Analytics chief privacy officer Tom Oscherwitz said by contributing to the Norton Cybercrime Index, ID Analytics is helping to provide consumers with daily insight into their risk level for cybercrime and how they can better protect themselves and their identities online.