A Portuguese entrepreneur has developed a new search engine, which he claims has login credentials from hundreds of hacking exploits.

The search engine designed by 23-year-old Jason Relinquo, is said to have a searchable database of "over 200 million entries available to customers".

The information includes username, passwords, Internet address, IP address and phone numbers.

Most of the information is gathered through websites that are well known in hacker community. Indexeus also includes stolen passwords from Yahoo and Adobe hacking exploits.

Krebs on Security cited Indexeus’ disclaimer, which stated: "The purpose of Indexeus is not to provide private informations about someone, but to protect them by creating awareness.

"Therefore we are not responsible for any misuse or malicious use of our content and service. Indexeus is not a dump. A dump is by definition a file containing logins, passwords, personal details or emails. What Indexeus provides is a single-search, data-mining search engine."

The site not only exposes the data but it offers a protection service where the user has to pay a $1 donation via Bitcoin per record to get the information erased from the site, Krebs on Security claimed.

Jason Relinquo from Lisbon claimed that the search engine was built as an educational tool.

Krebs on Security also reported him as saying that the website might provide free black listing and subscription based services in order to be in par with EU’s ‘right to be forgotten’.