Network Connections USA and the team behind BackStopp Florida, have introduced LeakStopp, a data protection tool that restricts unauthorised entry to all PCs through their USB ports.

LeakStopp reportedly provides an additional level of security for an organisation’s sensitive information by preventing data leakage, combating both internal and external threats.

The first release, LeakStopp Personal, allows users to secure the USB ports on both mobile and desktop PCs running Windows, the company said.

According to the company, Leakstopp authorises a pre-designated USB stick to access information on a protected PC. Any unauthorised USB devices are expected to lock the computer until it is removed making the PC and the stick unusable. The data thief gets stopped at the Leakstopp wall and the data stays secure on the computer.

Network Connections USA and Backstopp Florida are offering LeakStopp Personal free, providing a barrier to the loss of data through unauthorised access to any computer. The company said that further functionality is under development which will work with Backstopp to help protect data.

Graham Barker, CEO of Network Connections USA and skipper of Backstopp, Florida, said: Backstopp works behind the scenes to help make sure data is secure even if it has gone missing; Leakstopp goes straight to the front line, blocking data theft at its most vulnerable points.

LeakStopp, allows us to address the invisible threat of data leakage. All too often devices are left in easy reach of data predators, the USB ports providing a great back door to any would be thief. The worst thing about this type of data theft it is not always noticeable, so you may not know it has happened.