NetQoS, a provider of network performance management software and services, has integrated its SuperAgent application response time monitoring technology with the Cisco Network Analysis Module.

According to NetQoS, the integration combines SuperAgent’s ability to baseline and analyze application performance across an organization with the Network Analysis Module’s (NAM) capabilities and embedded data collection capabilities.

The Cisco NAM provides visibility into network and application performance to help ensure the consistent and delivery of applications and services. SuperAgent uses this instrumentation to deliver an enterprise-wide view of performance, volume, and availability metrics across all NAMs as well as the ability to drill into each NAM user interface for diagnostic reporting.

SuperAgent also automatically investigates the cause of problems in a way that augments the NAM diagnostics, said NetQoS.

Matt Sherrod, vice president of product management at NetQoS, said: NetQoS integration with Cisco NAM is an important development for organizations looking for enterprise-wide reporting and analysis across their NAM infrastructure. With this integration, NetQoS performance data collection is available across the Cisco infrastructure, including Cisco Wide Area Application Services and Application Control Engine module.