NEC subsidiary in Thailand has signed a deal with Amata to deliver new SaaS cloud computing services from mid-July this year to two companies operated by the Bangkok-based firm Amata.

The service will be delivered to two largest industrial estates located at the Amata Industrial Estate in Amata Nakorn and Amata City, spanning a total area of about 4,600 hectares.

The two industrial complexes accommodate 650 companies, of which, NEC plans to offer services to more than 30 companies within the first year.

NEC said it will offer services that include web-based conference systems, groupware and HR and salary management from data centers to Amata’s tenant.

Amata is currently providing services that cover power and water supplies for companies at industrial estates, and the deal will see NEC expand ICT offerings including PBX, servers, and ERP packages to those companies.

The deal with Amata will enable NEC to extend its new cloud service businesses since the company intends to expand business beyond SaaS to include services such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS).