NEC has launched a new technology that collectively distributes and configures access policy to a variety of computing resources in a cloud computing environment.

The new offering determines the computing resources that are accessible to each user as part of protecting against unauthorised use.

The company said the new software model, based on the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF1), and Common Information Model (CIM2), enables the distribution and centralised configuration of access policy.

The company has also developed ‘Integrated Access Control Management Software’ and ‘Policy Provisioning Agent Software’ based on this newly established software model.

It features a CIM based management model that enables a common method to distribute and configure access policy that is independent from vendor specifications in an integrated server environment.

The development of ‘Integrated Access Control Management Software’ enables centralised control and collective distribution of access policy, while ‘Policy Provisioning Agent Software’ configures access policy for individual software on the receiving side.

The company said the new software is in compliance with international standards of message distribution protocol for system operation management.