Nuance Communications has acquired eCopy, a provider of software that integrates paper documents into business software applications, for $54m in common stock.

Naunce said that the acquisition will extends its existing document imaging business, and will enhance profitability within the division.

eCopy said that its offerings support document connectivity to more than 100 enterprise applications, such as Microsoft SharePoint, EMC Documentum, Oracle and SAP. Its network scanning offerings are delivered by MFP vendors – including Canon, HP, Konica Minolta, Oce, Ricoh, Toshiba and Xerox – providing organisations with an intuitive touch-screen application.

The companies intend to combine Nuance’s multifunction printer (MFP) desktop software and eCopy’s server offerings to deliver network scanning offerings that connect a range of MFPs to a set of business applications and content management systems.

According to Nuance, the combination of its MFP desktop offerings and eCopy products – ShareScan, ScanStation and PaperWorks result in scanning offerings that maximise gains in productivity and cost savings, strong OEM channels, expanded reach for desktop offerings and streamline business processes through the use of accurate recognition technologies such as speech imaging and touch.

Edward Schmid, president and CEO of eCopy, said: “The MFP industry is poised to benefit greatly from our mutual focus on delivering integrated solutions that solve real business problems for customers. The combination of eCopy and Nuance creates an organisation that can drive the expansion of this opportunity, and is an important advancement for our MFP partners and customers.”