Mykonos Software, a developer of web application security technology, has unveiled a counter-hacking appliance called the Mykonos Security Appliance.

The company said that the new Security Appliance gives system administrators and security staff a real-time view of hackers as they introspect web applications. It profiles hackers in real-time, ascertaining their location, skill level and other critical data and enables IT staff to instantly deploy counter-measures.

According to Mykonos Software, the new appliance works by hardening the code as it is delivered to the client to detect potentially malicious activity as it happens, evaluating the sophistication of that activity, and countering the activity with various measures such as fake responses to confuse the hacker so that they move on to easier targets elsewhere.

The new service also identifies the hacker so that future intrusion attempts can be highlighted as repeat visits and thwarted appropriately, the company claims.

Al Huizenga, director of product management at Mykonos Software, said: No matter how many firewalls and defenses are put up, hackers will eventually find ways around. The goal of the Mykonos Security Appliance is to turn a mirror on the hacker and use counter-intelligence tactics to identify them while gaining intelligence about their skill level. More importantly, for the first time system administrators can defend their systems in real-time by launching counter-measures against the hacker.”