Web middleware firm MuleSoft has unveiled Mule MQ, a JMS implementation for messaging. It designed for low latency and high throughput for message delivery to large numbers of clients, using threading models and an optimised I/O subsystem.

The company said that Mule MQ is compliant with the JMS 1.1 specification, provides full topic and queue functionality, and can be deployed either with the open source Mule ESB, or as a standalone messaging platform.

According to MuleSoft, the Mule MQ includes features and capabilities such as, deployment as a standalone messaging server or embedded in an application container; clustering and failover; management console with administration, monitoring, logging, and auditing; security features for authentication, access control lists, policies, SSL/HTTPS encryption, and event auditing; and support with Mule ESB Enterprise.

Ken Yagen, VP of engineering at MuleSoft, said: “Until today, the choices were limited either to complex and expensive solutions from the large incumbents, IBM and TIBCO, or to unsupported open source projects like ActiveMQ. With Mule MQ, application teams have access to a fully-supported high performance messaging product that maintains the same philosophy of simplicity that made Mule the world’s most widely deployed open source ESB and integration platform.”