The developers of Firefox web browser have revealed a plan to develop a complete, stand-alone operating system for the Web called Boot to Gecko, or B2G and it will be designed for mobiles and tablets.

Mozilla said the new B2G OS will rival the initiative of Google’s Chrome OS- which turn Web apps into desktop apps -and a similar open-source application.

The project team behind the development said all code development would be done in the open and shared as soon as it is written.

The new operating system will compete with Android as it will run on the same devices.

The developers of the B2G want the system to run applications without the need for the browser, effectively creating a web-centred operating system.

B2G will draw on some core components of Android though much of the codes will be freshly written and aim to add a wrapper around it that is much more open than the one created by Google, Mozilla said.

Once developed the project will face stiff competition from Google’s Android and Chrome as well as Apple’s iOS and Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7.

The developers, however, said the project is in early stage but added they have already created some basic software from building blocks that are similar to those needed to get the OS running.