Close on heels of Google’s announcemnet that it will buy Motorola Mobility, the phonemaker has launched a new smartphone Motorola DEFY+.

The company said that the product’s USP is its durability.

It said that "Motorola DEFY+ offers exceptional protection from whatever life throws your way with its water resistant, scratch resistant and dust proof design (IP67)."

Motorola DEFY+ comes with a 1GHz processor, which the comapny claims runs 25% faster.

The company also promises "more fun with the latest version of Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)" and and a "better" battery life.

Motorola DEFY+ offers an Adobe Flash 10-enabled browser that allows users to watch their favorite movies or view videos on the Web.

The phone features a 5MP camera, and has a 2GB internal; 2GB microSD card in box, expandable up to 32GB memory.

Motorola Mobility portfolio and device product management senior vice-president Alain Mutricy said Motorola DEFY+ delivers the endurance and design strength to keep up with even the most demanding lifestyles, along with the social and entertainment capabilities that put friends and fun in easy reach.

Mutricy said, "We designed Motorola DEFY+ with all the smartphone features you need for a demanding lifestyle."

The new smartphone is expected to be available in Asia, Europe and Latin America starting in early fall.