Security software firm Symantec’s free vulnerability scan has discovered critical vulnerabilities in more than 50% of websites scanned.

The new vulnerability assessments service launched in October scanned nearly 2000 web sites for critical vulnerabilities that could allow malicious hackers to insert malware or to directly access confidential customer data.

Symantec identified hundreds of exposures, largely due to outdated software, and has already helped over half of the impacted customers to completely eliminate all identified vulnerabilities.

Symantec’s free vulnerability assessments for Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer (EV SSL), Premium and Secure Site Pro certificate customers enables quick identification and remediation of the most exploitable weaknesses on public-facing Web pages, Web-based applications, server software and network ports.

Symantec Identity and Authentication Services vice president Fran Rosch said hackers and cybercriminals are constantly refining their attacks and targets; the company’s customers are asking them for agile tools to stay ahead of them.

"Steps such as offering free vulnerability assessments with EV SSL, Premium and Secure Site Pro certificates show our commitment to protecting customers and the online community as a whole," Rosch said.