Initially dedicated to online sales of food, personal care and beauty products, housewares and leisure goods, the site will be gradually expanded to cover the complete product catalog. The Atos Worldline solution is reported to enable Monoprix to offer e-shoppers a convenient and efficient alternative to in-store shopping.

Monoprix has awarded Atos Worldline a contract to design, integrate and host its online stores and associated services, spanning complete deployment and operation of the e-commerce site. Also accessible via the portal, the new service will initially be available in Paris before being gradually rolled out to the Ile de France department by the end of 2008. By the first quarter of 2009, the service will be extended nationwide.

Stephane Vittu, director of retail and industry projects at Atos Worldline, said: The Atos Worldline e-commerce solution meets Monoprix’s exact requirements in terms of user-friendliness, integration of multiple points-of-sale databases and fast response time. Our specialized expertise in online grocery sites means we can effectively support Monoprix in developing this project.