Mobile Mandate has launched a new electronic communication monitoring system for mobile devices. The Mobile Mandate 2.0 Services Suite includes compliance offerings for large and small workforces that send SMS and text messages using BlackBerry or Microsoft Windows mobile smartphone.

According to the company, the new system is a software as a service offering that provides corporations with capabilities to log, archive, review, extract, and supervise electronic communication on mobile devices including text messages, pin to pin, and BlackBerry Messenger. In addition, text messages can be identified, collected, preserved, and exported via EDRM-compliant XML to support the e-discovery workflow and meet mobile e-discovery requirements.

Mobile Mandate 2.0 enables corporations to increase the effectiveness of their mobile workforce, improve user satisfaction, and drive mobile communications for collaboration and business continuity, the company claims.

Features of the Mobile Mandate suite include, message management to ensure SMS message is archived and readily available for compliance and e-discovery teams; proactive platform to build reports automatically to find policy breaching events like wall crossing and receive alerts when those breaches occur; SMS analysis; and evidence supervision, the company said.

Melissa Atzori, executive vice president of product development for Mobile Mandate, said: Many corporations have invested in technologies to meet regulatory requirements for email and instant messaging, but few have a solution for monitoring SMS and text messages. As a result, regulated companies are forced to disable messaging. Mobile Mandate unleashes the power of SMS and text messaging, but in a safe and regulatory compliant way.