Mobile Enterprise Management (MEM) software market is expected to reach of $1.8bn by 2016, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.8% during the period, according to a report by IDC.

According to the report, ‘Worldwide Mobile Enterprise Management Software 2012-2016 Forecast and Analysis and 2011 Vendor Shares’, the MEM market revenue was $444.6m.

Americas region will mainly drive the growth in MEM revenue during the period.

With MEM vendors are stepping up their direct and their indirect efforts into Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Asia/Pacific, these regions have started showing growth in interest and uptake, IDC report revealed.

IDC Mobile Enterprise Research senior analyst Stacy Crook said consumerisation has brought new challenges to the enterprise in terms of how they must think about managing and securing devices and the sensitive corporate information on those devices.

"The mobile enterprise management software market represents a category of mobility offerings that address the requirements of enterprises — that need solutions for both corporate- and employee-owned mobile devices — and users," Crook said.

MEM market was earlier had two distinct segments which include mobile device management enterprise software (MDM) and mobile application management software (MAM).

With organisations are managing both mobile devices and mobile applications, the market has become merged into a single market called mobile enterprise management software.

MEM market now includes products that offer standalone MDM, standalone MAM, or combined MDM-MAM functionality.

MDM software included many of the standard features included in PC management applications as well as additional features that cater to the needs of mobile devices such as smartphones and media tablets, including other areas like M2M modules or printers.

MAM applications are those ones which allow IT organisations specific mobile applications to be managed, secured, and distributed for policy compliance of individual applications.