Mobile data usage increased 104% from July 2011-June 2012 to 1.1 trillion megabytes (MB) compared to the data used during the same time previous year, according to a report by CTIA-The Wireless Association.

According to the CTIA semi-annual survey, 1.16 trillion megabytes of data was used during the period, compared to 568 billion megabytes used before June 2011.

Minutes of Use (MOU) reached 2.321 trillion while SMS sent and received: 2.273 trillion, MMS sent and received reached 58.3 billion.

As of June 2012, smartphone numbers reached 131 million, comprising 41% of 322 million wireless subscriber connections while tablets comprised 17% of all wireless connections reaching to 22 million.

The number of prepaid customers increased 10% from 68.4 to 74.9 million during the period which is about 23.3% of country’s wireless subscribers.

CTIA survey also revealed that smartphone adoption continues to grow impressively with the number of active smartphones and wireless-enabled PDAs increased 37% to 130.8 million compared to 95.8 million units by June 2011.

The number of active data-capable devices increased 8% to 300.4 million compared to 278.3 million last year while wireless-enabled tablets, laptops and modems increased 42% to 21.6 million from 15.2 million in June 2011.

CTIA president and CEO Steve Largent said Americans are using more voice, data and text than ever before, but are paying less for their wireless usage than even a year ago.

"Thanks to the fiercely competitive wireless industry, consumers have a variety of choices from which provider to contract or prepaid plans to devices," Largent said.