Microsoft has opened a new Software and Services Excellence Center (SSEC), with an aim to advance the potential of cloud computing across devices, in the datacentre and within new industries.

Through the SSEC, Microsoft combines its research and development (R&D) expertise in software, services and cloud datacentre technologies with Taiwan’s global leadership in hardware innovation to create NxG connected devices and cloud datacentres.

Microsoft said that it will license patents from its portfolio and share its software development expertise with academic and R&D institutes in Taiwan to help strengthen the software and services technologies for the Taiwan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ecosystem.

According to Microsoft, the new centre covers cloud datacentre management and data load planning, container-based computer specifications, and cloud datacentre management guidelines and paradigms; and includes natural interfaces for PCs and other devices, system software for smart internet-access devices, and system software for cross-platform integration.

The company said that more than 100 Taiwan ICT companies are expected to participate in developing cloud computing offerings in the next three years.

Steve Guggenheimer, corporate vice president of original equipment manufacturer Division at Microsoft, said: “Over the past two decades, hardware manufacturers in Taiwan have established their global leadership in PCs, netbooks, cell phones, LCDs and other IT technologies, which is important for the global ICT industry.

“The opening of the SSEC is a significant milestone for Microsoft and its hardware partners in our collaboration for the development of additional business opportunities in the era of cloud computing.”