Microsoft is planning to undertake what is said to be the biggest management restructuring in about five years, in a bid to enhance its competition in the global mobile devices and Web-based services market.

The latest modification would affect duties and responsibilities of several top Microsoft executives and would eliminate overlap within the 98,000-employee firm, according to a report from AllThingsD.

Reports also reveal that Microsoft’s new cloud computing and business-focused products division would be led by Satya Nadella, who currently manages Microsoft’s server business.

As part of the restructuring, the company’s current co-head of Windows operating system business, Julie Larson-Green, will be leading the hardware unit, including the Xbox video game console and the Surface tablets.

The latest move comes in the midst of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s efforts to ramp up its presence on mobile devices amid the steadily declining PC market.

Prior to the current shake-up, major restructuring in Microsoft was carried out in July 2008 when Ballmer divided the company’s platforms and services division into three units of Windows, Online Services and Server and Tools.