iPad owners could be getting Microsoft Office for their tablets as soon as June, and it will be free for Office 365 subscribers.

In summer 2013, and iPhone version was released, but Microsoft left many disappointed with the failure to introduce the app to iPads, which frustrated users who said was a simple port.

ZDNet reported that the iPad version may even arrive before Microsoft’s touch-first Office version for Windows.

"I still haven’t heard exactly how Microsoft will make Office for iPad available. I’ve heard it’s likely to require some kind of Office 365 subscription (either corporate or Home Premium, depending on the use case). If I were a betting woman, I’d count on it saving files by default to OneDrive (the soon-to-be-renamed SkyDrive) or OneDrive for Business, with options to save locally," said ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley.

"The Office 365 tie-in isn’t hard to imagine, given Microsoft has made Office Mobile available for iPhones and Android phones, with an Office 365 subscription requirement."