Microscan, a provider of data acquisition and control offerings, has introduced new Track, Trace and Control (TTC) Solution, developed in partnership with Cogiscan. It features new TTC middleware, which can partner with any of the company’s machine vision or auto ID hardware to address plant-wide information.

Microscan said that the TTC middleware is designed to provide work-in-progress (WIP) visibility through any factory and validate the process flow and provide the history of the process steps accomplished on a product. It combines data collection with error proofing to demonstrate process compliance and reduces material and assembly costs.

The company claims that its middleware can provide real time data visibility across the plant floor for any and all data collection points; and can include data collected from machine vision inspections, RFID, barcode and 2D readers.

According to Microscan, the new offering allows implementation, featuring web-based controls and reporting, separate from the main IT plant floor network. It includes middleware, choice of hardware and visibility online for real time reporting.

In addition, it accomplishes connectivity to all commonly used MES and ERP systems and features visual warnings and alarms if a product is scanned at the entry of the wrong operation or if the operation is out of sequence, the company said.