McAfee has launched a new anti-malware offering VirusScan Mobile for users of Android and Windows Mobile-based smartphones from SK Telecom in Korea.

The new McAfee VirusScan Mobile technology can be downloaded at no additional charge by SK Telecom customers from SK Telecom’s mobile application store ‘TStore.’

Once installed, the new technology protects SK Telecom’s mobile devices from malware, secures personal information and helps ensure critical communication functions work while users are on the go, the company said.

According to McAfee, the VirusScan Mobile technology features automatic protection updates to secure mobile devices as soon as new threats are found; and uses real-time scanning to protect users from both known and suspicious Android-based malware.

The new technology is available now for the Android device Motorola XT720, is expected soon be available for other planned Android phones.

Jan Volzke, worldwide head of mobile marketing at McAfee, said: “Wherever mobile consumers go, threats will follow them. McAfee is committed to tackling mobile threats. The introduction of McAfee VirusScan Mobile technology for Android allows McAfee to protect more consumers in more situations of their rapidly changing digital life.”