McAfee has revealed that its VirusScan Enterprise, AntiSpyware Enterprise, ePolicy Orchestrator and Vulnerability Manager have been verified as Citrix Ready. The company claimed that the Citrix Ready programme identifies third-party products that add value in the Citrix Delivery Center infrastructure.

McAfee’s systems security and vulnerability management products have passed a series of tests established by Citrix to work with XenApp. The Citrix Ready programme reportedly allows customers to identify complementary products that can enhance Citrix environments.

The company said that the ability to protect XenApp allows McAfee to expand its reach to the data centre, protecting critical systems and data. McAfee is expected to provide the level of security necessary for organisations to safely virtualise applications.

Dave Scholtz, senior vice president of global strategic alliances at McAfee, said: “Participating in the Citrix Ready program increases McAfee’s visibility with Citrix customers and channels, creating new revenue opportunities and clearly demonstrating our commitment to providing solutions that add value to Citrix products. The McAfee-based offerings in the Citrix Ready program allow us to be a trusted and recommended solution for Citrix customer thus improving joint customer satisfaction.”

The Citrix Ready programme identifies verified products that can enhance the Citrix Delivery Center product family. The Citrix Ready designation is awarded to third party products that have met verification criteria set by Citrix.