Document management firm Xerox and security offerings provider McAfee will partner to design a security system to help companies protect against threats to confidential data.

Under the partnership, Xerox and McAfee will improve the safety of devices on the network to protect proprietary company data.

By integrating embedded McAfee software into Xerox technology, the two companies plan to use a whitelisting method that allows only approved files to run, offering more protection than traditional black listing tactics.

In addition, the new offering provides an audit trail to track and investigate the time and origin of security events, and take action on them.

McAfee Embedded Sales vice-president Tom Moore said the threat landscape has evolved to include devices that when originally designed, where never considered a security threat.

"Now we are seeing the need for security on devices like MFPs to protect confidential and proprietary data, which if lost or stolen, could negatively impact a company and its employees. The partnership with McAfee and Xerox embeds security into the device for better protection," said Moore.