Online hacker group Lulz Security (LulzSec) has said that it would refrain from publishing stolen emails from Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun, as it may compromise the court case.

However, the hack attack itself could jeopardise the court hearings.

LulzSec has claimed that it is in possession of a large cache of emails, of up to 4GB, which it hacked from different servers where News International stored its data. The group had warned after the successful hack attack on The Sun earlier this wee, that it would release the data anytime.

However, the group did not release any stolen information on 22 July.

A tweet allegedly from the hacker group said, "We think, actually we may not release emails from the Sun, simply because it may compromise the court case."

LulzSec is infamous for its hack attacks on Sony, Nintendo, FoxNews and InfraGard.

LulzSec had recently claimed that it would be disbanding to avoid a crackdown on members and heightened scrutiny by authorities.

But this week it hacked Rupert Murdoch owned The Sun. The group had threatened that it would release a cache of emails belonging to Murdoch.

It is thought that the attack is a mark of protest against corporate wrongdoing.

A message by the hacker group read, "This is only the beginning. Fuck you Murdoch. You are next."

In The Sun hack attack, LulzSec also dared authorities to take action against the members of the hacker group.

LulzSec challenged, "Arrest us. We dare you. We are the unstoppable hacking generation…."