Latest security event management software due from LogLogic at the end of the month will be the first to include an Incident Case API supporting the Incident Object Description Exchange Format.

The IODEF format allows security managers to integrate incident supervision through all monitoring systems and streamlines the analysis of security event log data. 

It means security and systems administrators can start to share incident information in a common format, from security event management data to helpdesk trouble ticket information.

Security Event Manager v3.3 also sees some improvements made to the system’s correlation engine and the arrival of some new log collection policies.

The company explained the upgrade allows security managers to set up a single correlation rule to detect common threats like distributed DOS and distributed Port scan threats or to show when accounts are being hijacked or shared, easing administration and reducing the chance of human error. 

The inclusion of some pre-built, high-level collection policies and filtering rules allows for immediate default settings that are pre-configured for regulatory compliance with all major standards, including PCI DSS, SOX, and HIPAA, LogLogic said.